“My definition of “intelligence” is that this:Intelligence is the means to take advantage of all of the understanding received in life to LIVE for as long as ones genetic programming will let. Think this over well before responding. It is the most sensible definition that it is easy to create. OMGoodness, I forgot approximately this thread!I do enjoy this response so will reply in kind all be it some what late. “Do you enjoy life?” Hell Yeah!”Do you want to live a protracted one?” With one provision, that it is a fit one who is lived with satisfaction “Are you confident that here is the only life you’ll ever enjoy?” No, I am confident of no such issue. Reincarnation, heaven and hell, or oblivion, none have convinced me only intrigued me “Do you take note the concept “eternity?”” Only to a level as I doubt anybody can definitely be aware this idea. com. Before karaoke and MTV, viewers within the 1960’s used to sing along with Mitch Miller. The gregarious TV host and music producer who helped launch the careers of Tony Bennett and Rosemary Clooney died on Saturday at age 99. Music critic Jim Bessman talks approximately Mitch Miller’s musical and cultural legacy. Mr. MITCH MILLER Host: I hope that gal turns up.